NASA Science
Mars Exploration Program
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Artist concept of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
July 14, 2009
[51, 178]
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has been working on Mars since landing inside Eagle Crater on Jan. 25, 2004 (Universal Time; evening of Jan. 24, Pacific Standard Time).
Opportunity's First Decade of Driving on Mars
This artist's concept shows NASA's Mars orbiters lining up behind the Red Planet for their "duck and cover" maneuver to shield them fro comet dust that may result from the close flyby of comet Sidi...
Siding Spring Mars Spacecraft
This large outflow channel shows many characteristic signs that massive amounts of water have flowed through this area, including the teardrop and streamlined islands.
Hebrus Valles (3-D)
Amazingly, this HiRISE image has captured at least four avalanches, or debris falls, in action.
Caught in Action: Avalanches on North Polar Scarps
Seen are six views of the Nili Fossae region of Mars captured by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars, or CRISM, one of the instruments aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter...
Six Views of Nili Fossae, as Seen by MRO's CRISM
Tracks from the first drives of NASA's Curiosity rover are visible in this image captured by the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
A Rover's Journey Begins
This image shows a cross-section of a portion of the north polar ice cap of Mars, derived from data acquired by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's Shallow Radar (SHARAD), one of six instruments on t...
North Polar Cap Cross Section
Near the lower left corner of this view is the three-petal lander platform that NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit drove off in January 2004.
Spirit Lander and Bonneville Crater in Color
This mosaic, taken with the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, shows the planned route (in yellow) of NASA's Curiosity rover from "Pah...
Curiosity Rover Planned Route
The black speck circled in the lower left corner of this image is a cluster of recently formed craters spotted on Mars using a new machine-learning algorithm. This image was taken by the Context Ca...
Machine Learning Spots a Cluster of Mars Craters: Context Camera's View
This image shows a cross-section of a portion of the north polar ice cap of Mars, derived from data acquired by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's Shallow Radar (SHARAD), one of six instruments on t...
North Polar Cap Cross Section (Annotated)
This map shows the route driven by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity through the 29th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's mission on Mars (Sept. 4, 2012).
Curiosity Traverse Map Through Sol 29
This image acquired on October 1, 2020 by NASAs Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, shows several craters in Arabia Terra filled with layered rock.
Stepping It Up in Arabia Terra
The Mars Climate Sounder instrument on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter maps the vertical distribution of temperatures, dust, water vapor and ice clouds in the Martian atmosphere as the orbiter f...
Martian Atmosphere Profiles
Three pairs of before and after images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter illustrate movement of ripples on dark sand dunes in...
Changes in Ripples on Martian Dunes in Nili Patera
Diagonal striping on this map of a portion of Mars' Utopia Planitia region indicates the area where a large subsurface deposit rich in water ice was assessed using the Shallow Radar (SHARAD) instru...
Location of Large Subsurface Water-Ice Deposit in Utopia Planitia, Mars
Ancient floods carved Kasei Valles
Kasei Channels
Side-by-side movies shows how the 2018 global dust storm enveloped the Red Planet, courtesy of the Mars Color Imager (MARCI) camera onboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). This global dus...
Mars Before and After Dust Storm
The bright landing platform left behind by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity in 2004 is visible inside Eagle Crater, where "Opportunity Lander" is indicated in this annotated, April 8, 2...
Rover's Landing Hardware at Eagle Crater, Mars (Annotated)
Getting a spacecraft to Mars is no walk in the park - as launch engineers are well aware. But when the spacecraft in question is among the largest ever sent to the red planet, there are specific ch...
Challenges of Getting to Mars: Heavy Lifting
This image maps the traverse of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity from "Bradbury Landing" to "Yellowknife Bay," with an inset documenting a change in the ground's thermal properties with arrival at a dif...
Curiosity's Traverse into Different Terrain (Sol 121)
This map shows the route driven by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover from the location where it landed in August 2012 to its location in September 2016 at "Murray Buttes," and the path planned for reachi...
Curiosity Destinations for Second Extended Mission
This map traces where NASA's Mars rover Curiosity drove between landing at a site subsequently named "Bradbury Landing," and the position reached during the mission's 123rd Martian day, or sol, (De...
Curiosity Traverse Map, Sol 123
Nili Patera is a region on Mars in which dunes and ripples are moving rapidly. HiRISE continues to monitor this area every couple of months to see changes over seasonal and annual time scales.
Dunes and Ripples in Nili Patera
Is frozen carbon dioxide a key to features in some Martian gullies? To find out, scientists grabbed a bag of dry ice and took a road trip.
Dry Ice Moves on Mars
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