NASA Science
Mars Exploration Program
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6th Year Anniversary Graphic
December 31, 2009
[51, 177]
A lunar eclipse, a solar eclipse and Mars has a close encounter with a comet.
What's Up for October?
This beautiful scene reveals a tremendous amount of detail in Spirit's surroundings at a place called "Winter Haven," where the rover spent many months parked on a north-facing slope in order to ke...
'McMurdo' Panorama from Spirit's 'Winter Haven'
This panoramic image, dubbed "Rub al Khali," was taken by Opportunity on the plains of Meridiani during the rover's 456th to 464th sols on Mars.
Opportunity's 'Rub al Khali' Panorama
The component images for this 360-degree panorama were taken by the navigation camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity after the rover drove about 97 feet (29.5 meters) during the missi...
Opportunity's Tracks Near Crater Rim Ridgeline
From left: Dave Lavery, program executive for Solar System Exploration at NASA Headquarters, Dr. Ed Weiler, associate administrator, Office of Space Science, NASA Headquarters, Pete Theisinger, (fo...
Spirit: Egress
On the horizon in the right half of this panoramic view is an area of Mars informally named "Matijevic Hill," in commemoration of an influential rover-team leader.
'Matijevic Hill' on Rim of Mars' Endeavour Crater, Right View
This blink comparison aids evaluation of a drive by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit during the rover's 2,099th Martian day, or sol (Nov. 28, 2009).
Little Movement in Spirit's Sol 2099 Drive
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has been on the western rim of Endeavour Crater in Meridiani Planum for about two years.
Color View From Orbit Showing Opportunity in 'Botany Bay' (Unannotated)
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity drove about 12 feet (3.67 meters) on May 8, 2012, after spending 19 weeks working in one place while solar power was too low for driving during the Martian...
Looking Back at Greeley Haven After Opportunity's First Drive of 2012
Faire atterrir une sonde sur Mars est l’une des choses les plus complexes à réaliser. Cette vidéo de 60 secondes explique comment cela est possible, et illustre les trois systèmes d'atterrissage ut...
Mars in a Minute: (French) Comment atterrir sur Mars?
Using footage filmed at JPL when Spirit touched down on Jan. 3, 2004, as well an animation depicting the rover's arrival at the Red Planet, this video celebrates the 20th anniversary of Mars Explor...
Celebrating Spirit & Opportunity's 20th Anniversary Landing on Mars
After bouncing to a stop, the lander's petals unfold and the Mars Exploration Rover drives onto the surface of Mars.
Artwork of Mars Exploration Rover leaving lander
Engineers for NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Mission are completing assembly and testing for the twin robotic geologists at JPL.
Mars Exploration Rover 2
This image from the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows the location of a rock called "Pinnacle Island" before it appeared in front of the rover in early Ja...
Where Martian 'Jelly Doughnut' Rock Came From (True Color)
The "Columbia Hills" flank Spirit's path in this view.
Approaching the Hills
This cylindrical-perspective stereo mosaic was created from navigation camera images acquired by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit during Spirit's sol 153, on June 8, 2004. Spirit is pointing to...
Spirit's Shadow, Sol 153 (3-D)
This image shows stone stripes on the side of a volcanic cone on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The stripes are made of small rock fragments and they are aligned downhill as freeze-thaw cycles have lifted them...
Rock Stripe Pattern on Hawaii's Mauna Kea
"Perseverance Valley" lies just on the other side of the dip in the crater rim visible in this view from the Navigation Camera (Navcam) on NASA's long-lived Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity, whic...
Crater Rim and Plain at Head of 'Perseverance Valley,' Mars
Spirit used its microscopic imager to capture these spectacular, jagged mini-landscape on a rock called "GongGong." Wind has deposited sand and dust in the holes and crevices of the rock.
Hardened Lava Meets Wind on Mars
This synthetic image of the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover in the "Columbia Hills" was produced using "Virtual Presence in Space" technology.
Spirit in "Columbia Hills"
The cruise stage provides power, communication and propulsion for the rover and lander within its cocoon made up of the heatshield and backshell for the cruise to Mars.
Mars Exploration Rovers: Rover 1 in cruise stage
While driving eastward toward the northwestern flank of "McCool Hill," Spirit's wheels churned up the largest amount of bright soil discovered so far in the mission.
Bright Soil Near 'McCool'
This image highlights the bumpy terrain surrounding the rover.
Spirit Spies Its Shadow
As NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity neared the ninth anniversary of its landing on Mars, the rover was working in the 'Matijevic Hill' area seen in this stereo view from Opportunity's pano...
'Matijevic Hill' Panorama for Rover's Ninth Anniversary (Stereo)
This false color image suggests that the plains beyond the small crater where the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity now sits are littered with the same dark grey material found inside the crater i...
Berries' Here, There, Everywhere
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