NASA Science
Mars Exploration Program
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Planum Boreum crater
March 03, 2003
Planum Boreum crater
[51, 179]
NASA’s Mars Odyssey orbiter captured the first-ever views of Mars that showcase the curving horizon and layers of atmosphere, similar to what an astronaut sees of Earth from the International Space...
Mars Report: What Would Mars Look Like if an Astronaut Could Orbit the Planet
This image from NASA's 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft shows part of the caldera floor of Arsia Mons. Arsia Mons is the southernmost of the Tharsis volcanoes. It is 270 miles in diameter, almost 12 mi...
Investigating Mars: Arsia Mons
Hills abound in this portion of Mars located in the Vastitas Borealis region of the high northern plains. These hills are part of Scandia Colles. Note that some of the hills have aprons surrounding...
Bumpy Terrain in Vastitas Borealis
Five decades of successful NASA missions to the Red Planet, 1965-2015.
50 Years of Mars Exploration
Valles Marineris, the "Grand Canyon of Mars," sprawls wide enough to reach from Los Angeles to nearly New York City, if it were located on Earth. The red outline box shows the location of a second,...
Valles Marineris, the "Grand Canyon of Mars"
Interact with this 3D model of Mars Odyssey.
Mars Odyssey Orbiter, 3D Model
The annotated area of Mars in this illustration holds near-surface water ice that would be easily accessible for astronauts to dig up. The water ice was identified as part of a map using data from ...
Water Ice Marked on Mars Globe
Snow falls and ice and frost form on Mars, too. NASA's spacecraft on and orbiting the Red Planet reveal the similarities to and differences from how we experience winter on Earth.
Mars Report: Winter Wonderland on Mars
A large dust storm on Mars, nearly twice the size of the United States, covered the southern hemisphere of the Red Planet in early January 2022, leading to some of NASA’s explorers on the surface h...
Mars Report: Dust Storms on Mars
At the time this video was released, the Odyssey team had successfully completed the third trajectory correction maneuver to adjust the spacecraft's flightpath toward its final aimpoint for entry i...
Challenges of Getting to Mars: Interplanetary Cruise
Around 200 kilometers long, Ravi Vallis was born in a flood of water from Aromatum Chaos.
Ravi Vallis
Women working in science, technology, engineering and mathematics at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory pose for a photo in mission control in honor of Women in Science Day.
Women in Science
The floor of this unnamed crater in Aonia Terra has been filled with multiple layers of material.
Layered Fill
Download a PDF of the Mars Odyssey Fact Sheet.
Odyssey Fact Sheet
Sand dunes shaped like blue-black flames lie next to a central hill within an unnamed, 120-kilometer-wide (75-mile-wide) crater in eastern Arabia on Mars.
Mars Odyssey All Stars: Arabia Dunes
If a meteorite breaks in two shortly before hitting the ground, the typical bowl shape of a single impact crater becomes doubled.
Mars Odyssey All Stars: Dual Crater
Just as on Earth, volcanism and tectonism are found together on Mars. Here is an example: the ridges and fractures of Claritas Fossae are affecting or perhaps hosting the volcanic flows of Solis Pl...
Volcanism & Tectonism
NASA is advancing the Journey to Mars by starting the conversation about where humans may one day land on the Red Planet.
Mars Exploration Zone Layout Considerations
Artist’s concept of Comet Siding Spring approaching Mars, shown with NASA’s orbiters preparing to make science observations of this unique encounter.
NASA's Mars Orbiters Maneuvers as Comet Siding Spring Approaching Mars
A group of small, unnamed craters in the martian southern hemisphere is the first site captured by a group of middle school students who are operating the camera system onboard NASA's Mars Odyssey ...
Students participating in the Mars Student Imaging Project
West of Valles Marineris lies a checkerboard named Noctis Labyrinthus, which formed when the Martian crust stretched and fractured.
Mars Odyssey All Stars: Noctis Vista
Fans and ribbons of dark sand dunes creep across the floor of Bunge Crater in response to winds blowing from the direction at the top of the picture. The frame is about 14 kilometers (9 miles) wide.
Bunge Crater Dunes
This unnamed channel is located in Xanthe Terra.
Channel in Xanthe Terra
NASA Science missions circle Earth, the Sun, the Moon, Mars and many other destinations within our solar system, including spacecraft that look out even further into our universe. The Science Fleet...
SMD Spacecraft Fleet
This movie shows the Martian moon Phobos as viewed in visible light by NASA's 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter on April 24, 2019. The apparent motion is due to movement by Odyssey's infrared camera, Therm...
Odyssey Views Phobos in Visible Light: April 24, 2019
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