NASA Science
Mars Exploration Program
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Gale Crater
February 15, 2009
Gale Crater
[51, 176]
NASA's Curiosity rover captured its highest-resolution panorama of the Martian surface between Nov. 24 and Dec. 1, 2019.
Curiosity's 1.8-Billion-Pixel Panorama
Download a PDF of Curiosity's Brochure.
Curiosity's Brochure
This is the highest-resolution view that the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity acquired of the top of a rock called "Bathurst Inlet."
'Bathurst Inlet' Rock on Curiosity's Sol 54, Close-Up View
An animated set of three images from NASA's Curiosity rover shows the rover's drill in action on Feb. 8, 2013, or Sol 182, Curiosity's 182nd Martian day of operations.
Ready, Set, Drill
In this image from NASA's Curiosity Mars rover looking up the ramp at the northeastern end of "Hidden Valley," a pale outcrop including drilling target "Bonanza King" is at the center of the scene.
Looking Up the Ramp Holding 'Bonanza King' on Mars
Download a coloring sheet of NASA MAVEN orbiter and Curiosity rover working together at Mars.
MAVEN and Curiosity Rover, Coloring Sheet
This mosaic view from the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows textural characteristics and shapes of an outcrop called "Point Lake."
Puzzling 'Point Lake' Outcrop Revisited (Raw Color)
This subframe image from the left Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows the covers in place over two sample inlet funnels of the rover's Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrumen...
Inlet Covers for Sample Analysis at Mars
The right Mast Camera (Mastcam) of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover provided this view of the lower stratigraphy at "Yellowknife Bay" inside Gale Crater on Mars.
'Yellowknife Bay' Veins and Concretions (Unannotated)
Curiosity is a big part of what it means to be human. It's also the name of NASA's next Mars rover. This 60-second video from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory shows how one type of curiosity can in...
Mars in a Minute: Where Does Your Curiosity Lead?
After spending six weeks doing science investigations at Rocknest, NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is on the move again to Point Lake and a place to try out the drill.
Curiosity Roves Again
In the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, technicians guide the backshell as it is lowered over NASA's Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, Curiosity, f...
Lowering the Backshell
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover targeted the laser of the Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument with remarkable accuracy for assessing the composition of the wall of a drilled hole and tailings tha...
Accurate pointing by Curiosity
This animation depicts the location of the ChemCam instrument at the top of the mast on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity and the field of view of the instrument's camera, called the Remote Micro-Imager....
ChemCam Field of View
This image shows part of the small pit or bite created when NASA's Mars rover Curiosity collected its second scoop of Martian soil at a sandy patch called "Rocknest."
Bright Particle in Hole Dug by Scooping of Martian Soil
This view shows the path and some key places in a survey of the "Pahrump Hills" outcrop by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover in autumn of 2014.
Mars Rover Curiosity's Walkabout at 'Pahrump Hills'
Inside the Vertical Integration Facility at Space Launch Complex 41 on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, technicians using an overhead crane guide the final solid rocket motor into posit...
Booster Rocket Will Give Atlas V a Boost
This 3D view of the calibration target for the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) aboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity was assembled from two images taken by that camera during the 34th Martian day, or so...
3D View of MAHLI Calibration Target
This scene was captured by Curiosity on Sept. 9, 2015, when NASA’s Mars rover was many miles from its current location.
'Paraitepuy Pass' From a Distance
President Obama phoned the team at JPL on Monday, Aug. 13, to congratulate them on the successful landing of Curiosity. "It's inspiring to all of us. Photographs that are coming back are going to b...
President Obama Calls Curiosity Team
This view of the twilight sky and Martian horizon taken by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover includes Earth as the brightest point of light in the night sky
Bright 'Evening Star' Seen from Mars is Earth (Annotated)
NASA's Curiosity rover delivers its first soil sample to its chemistry and mineralogy instrument.
Mars Soil Sample Delivered
A view from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on April 8, 2015, catches sight of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover passing through a valley called "Artist's Drive" on the lower slope of Mount Sharp.
Mars Orbiter Sees Curiosity Rover in 'Artist's Drive'
This image shows ChemCam's close-up of the rock named "Rapitan" with the analysis of its elemental composition.
Calcium-Rich Veins in Martian Rocks (Rapitan)
A June 2012 revision of the landing target area for Curiosity, the big rover of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, reduces the area's size.
Altered Landing Target in Gale Crater, Mars
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