NASA Science
Mars Exploration Program
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Replicating Martian Dunes
June 05, 2014
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This is a map of lower Mount Sharp on Mars, showing the major geologic units identified from orbit.
Map of Lower Mount Sharp
The rock "Ithaca" shown here, with a rougher lower texture and smoother texture on top, appears to be a piece of the local sedimentary bedrock protruding from the surrounding soil in Gale Crater.
Target Rock 'Ithaca' in Gale Crater, Mars
This set of images compares rocks seen by NASA's Opportunity rover and Curiosity rover at two different parts of Mars.
Two Different Aqueous Environments
The distant blob seen in the view on left, taken by a Hazard-Avoidance camera on NASA's Curiosity rover, may be a cloud created during the crash of the rover's descent stage. Pictures taken about 4...
Witnessing the Descent Stage Crash?
This photograph of the NASA Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity, was taken during testing on June 3, 2011. The location is inside the Spacecraft Assembly Facility at NASA's Jet Propulsion Labo...
Mars Rover Curiosity Raising Turret
This mosaic taken by NASA's Mars Curiosity rover looks uphill at Mount Sharp, which Curiosity has been climbing.
Curiosity is Ready for Clay (Highlighted)
The Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft separates from the upper stage of its Atlas V launch vehicle and heads on its way to Mars.
Curiosity Heads to Mars
This pairing illustrates the first time that NASA's Mars rover Curiosity collected a scoop of soil on Mars.
First Scoop by Curiosity, Sol 61 Views
Stitched together from 28 images, NASA's Curiosity Mars rover captured this view from "Greenheugh Pediment" on April 9, 2020, the 2,729th Martian day, or sol, of the mission. In the foreground is t...
Curiosity's View From the Top of the 'Greenheugh Pediment'
This mosaic taken by NASA's Mars Curiosity rover looks uphill at Mount Sharp, which Curiosity has been climbing. Spanning the center of the image is an area with clay-bearing rocks that scientists ...
Curiosity is Ready for Clay - Unannotated
This image shows Curiosity's Entry, Descent and Landing (EDL) "war room" and its staff. On the night of Aug. 5, 2012 PDT (early morning Aug. 6 EDT), 34 engineers gathered in this room at NASA's Jet...
The Entry, Descent and Landing War Room
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover documented itself in the context of its work site, an area called "Rocknest Wind Drift," on the 84th Martian day, or sol, of its mission (Oct. 31, 2012).
Curiosity's 'Rocknest' Workplace
This mosaic of images from the Mast Camera (Mastcam) instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows a series of sedimentary deposits in the Glenelg area of Gale Crater, from a perspective in Yello...
Erosion by Scarp Retreat in Gale Crater (Annotated)
NASA began a historic voyage to Mars with the Nov. 26, 2011, launch of the Mars Science Laboratory, which carries a car-sized rover named Curiosity. Liftoff from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station ab...
Curiosity's Launch
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity studied layers in the Burns Cliff slope of Endurance Crater in 2004.
Layers in Burns Cliff Examined by Opportunity
This graphic maps the first 14 sites where NASA's Curiosity Mars rover collected rock or soil samples for analysis using the rover's onboard laboratory. It also presents images of the drilled holes...
Curiosity's First 14 Rock or Soil Sampling Sites on Mars
This artist concept features NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, a mobile robot for investigating Mars' past or present ability to sustain microbial life.
Mars Rover Curiosity in Artist's Concept, Tall
This close-up image shows the first target NASA's Curiosity rover aims to zap with its Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument.
Curiosity's First Rock Star, Up-Close UNANNOTATED
The stick-shaped features on this Martian rock are about the size of grains of rice. This view from the MAHLI camera on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover covers an area about 2 inches across, on a target...
Stick-Shape, Rice-Size Features on Martian Rock 'Haroldswick'
This illustration depicts a concept for the possible extent of an ancient lake inside Gale Crater.
Possible Extent of Ancient Lake in Gale Crater, Mars
John Grotzinger is standing at the face of a cliff and in discussion with two other team members. The cliff, which is beige and gray in color, has many layers in the rocks. Ken Edgett, wearing a ba...
Mars Science Laboratory's Project Scientist Discusses Lakebed Sediments
The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover monitors high-energy atomic and subatomic particles coming from the sun, distant supernovae and other sources.
Sources of Ionizing Radiation in Interplanetary Space
This image from Curiosity's Mastcam shows inclined beds of sandstone interpreted as the deposits of small deltas fed by rivers flowing down from the Gale Crater rim and building out into a lake whe...
Inclined Martian Sandstone Beds Near 'Kimberley'
This is an artist's concept of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover parachute system.
Mars Science Laboratory Parachute, Artist's Concept
This instrument, shown prior to its September 2010 installation onto NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, will aid future human missions to Mars by providing information about the radiation environment on ...
Radiation Assessment Detector for Mars Science Laboratory
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