NASA Science
Mars Exploration Program
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Scarecrow Rover Desert Tests
June 05, 2014
[51, 176]
Gale Crater
Gale Crater
This full-resolution self-portrait shows the deck of NASA's Curiosity rover from the rover's Navigation camera.
Still Life with Rover
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity captured this stereo view using its Navigation Camera (Navcam) after a 17-foot (5.3 meter) drive on 477th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's work on Mars (Dec. 8, 2013)...
Rocky Mars Ground Where Curiosity Has Been Driving (Stereo)
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover used its Navigation Camera (Navcam) to capture this view on April 11, 2015, during the 952nd Martian day, or sol of the rover's work on Mars. The image appears three-dim...
Scene From 'Artist's Drive' on Mars (Stereo)
This view combines several frames taken by the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, looking into a valley to the west from the eastern side of a dune at the eastern end of the valley.
Martian Valley May Be Curiosity's Route (White-Balanced, Annotated)
Mars Science Laboratory team member Jessica Samuels gives a progress report on Curiosity's first days on Mars.
Surface Operations Begin
NASA's Curiosity rover and its powered descent vehicle pose for photographs prior to being integrated for launch at JPL's Spacecraft Assembly Facility.
Stereo (right) fish-eye view of NASA's Curiosity rover and its Powered Descent Vehicle
From a position in the shallow "Yellowknife Bay" depression, NASA's Mars rover Curiosity used its right Mast Camera (Mastcam) to take the telephoto images combined into this panorama of geological ...
View from Inside 'Yellowknife Bay'
On Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, one of three lightning masts, at left, protects the 197-foot-tall United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket as it rolls from the safety of the Vertical I...
Atlas V Rocket At The Launch Complex-41
Engineers work on Opportunity (in its cruise configuration) in a cleanroom at Kennedy Space Center. A very important part of planetary protection is keeping contaminants from humans from riding abo...
Planetary Protection Technologies Opportunity at the Cape
This image from NASA's Mars Curiosity rover shows the "Amargosa Valley," on the slopes leading up to Mount Sharp on Mars.
Curiosity Marches Onward and Upward (Labeled)
This Sept. 16, 2017, image from the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows effects of using the rover's wire-bristled Dust Removal Tool on a rock target called "C...
Dust Removal Target on 'Vera Rubin Ridge'
Some of the women working on NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Project, which built and operates the Curiosity Mars rover, gathered for this photo in the Mars Yard used for rover testing at NASA's Jet...
Women of Mars, in Mars Yard at JPL
This view of a Martian rock called "Rocknest 3" combines four images taken by the right-eye camera of the Mast Camera (Mastcam) instrument, which has a telephoto, 100-millimeter-focal-length lens.
A Martian Rock Called 'Rocknest 3' (Raw-Color)
This view of Curiosity's left-front and left-center wheels and of marks made by wheels on the ground in the "Yellowknife Bay" area comes from one of six cameras used on Mars for the first time more...
View From Camera Not Used During Curiosity's First Six Months on Mars
On Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, the 197-foot-tall United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket is in place at Space Launch Complex 41 after rolling out from the nearby Vertical Integration...
Atlas V at Launch Pad
This photograph of the NASA Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity, was taken during mobility testing on June 3, 2011. The location is inside the Spacecraft Assembly Facility at NASA's Jet Propul...
Mars Rover Curiosity with Wheel on Ramp
The stick-shaped features on this Martian rock are about the size of grains of rice. This view from the MAHLI camera on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover covers an area about 2 inches across, on a target...
Stick-Shape, Rice-Size Features on Martian Rock 'Haroldswick'
This is an artist's concept of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft during its cruise phase between launch and final approach to Mars.
Mars Science Laboratory Spacecraft During Cruise, Artist's Concept
A viewpoint on "Vera Rubin Ridge" provided NASA's Curiosity Mars rover this detailed look back over the area where it began its mission inside Gale Crater, plus more-distant features of the crater....
Telephoto Vista from Ridge in Mars' Gale Crater
This diagram depicts a vertical cross section through geological layers deposited by rivers, deltas and lakes. Deposits from a series of successive deltas build out increasingly high in elevation a...
Multiple Deltas Built Out Over Time
Pictured here is Clara Ma (in front row on the right) and her sister Remmy Ma with engineers Suparna Mukherjee, Jaime Waydo and then Julie Towsend (back row).
Clara, Remmy Ma with Engineers
The two donut-shaped tracks make an infinity symbol, and mark the first two drives of NASA's Curiosity rover.
From Infinity and Beyond
The Laser-Induced Remote Sensing for Chemistry and Micro-Imaging instrument will identify atomic elements in martian rocks. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/J.-L. Lacour, CEA
Laser-Induced Remote Sensing
Curiosity gets new software and new capabilities for the long trek to Mt. Sharp.
'Spring Break' Over: Commanding Resumes
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