Mars Weather
Latest Weather
at Elysium Planitia
InSight has suspended daily temperature measurements. Get the latest Mars weather from the Curiosity Rover.
F | C
F | C
InSight Weather Report
Time | Air Temperature (°F | °C) | Wind Speed (mph | m/s) | Pressure (Pa) | ||||||||
Date | Sol | Max. | Avg. | Min. | Max. | Avg. | Min. | Direction (most common) |
Max. | Avg. | Min. |
As more data from a particular sol is downlinked from the spacecraft (sometimes several days later), these values are recalculated, and consequently may change as more data is received on Earth.
3-Day Weather Report
Graph of the Weather Report at Elysium Planitia
This plot is being updated daily throughout the duration of the InSight mission. The plot shows the latest three sols (Martian days) of weather data at InSight’s landing site near the equator of Mars. Time runs along the bottom of the plot with the most recent data at the right. Numbers along the bottom show hours of local time at the InSight lander (Local True Solar Time, based on Sun angle). Lighter and darker vertical bands indicate daytime and nighttime at the lander, respectively. The corresponding Earth time is also shown at the top of the plot, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). All data points are one-hour averages of the calibrated data from the spacecraft.
Temperature Plot (not currently being generated):
Air temperature is shown in degrees Celsius, as measured by the Temperature and Wind for InSight (TWINS) instrument.
Pressure Plot:
Atmospheric pressure is shown in Pascals, as measured by an air pressure sensor, which is part of the Auxiliary Payload Sensor Suite (APSS). Typical sea-level pressure on Earth is around 101,325 Pascals (1013.25 hPa).
Wind Plot (not currently being generated):
Wind speed is shown in meters per second, as measured by the pair of TWINS booms. The barbs extending from each wind speed data point indicate the compass direction of the wind (e.g., a wind blowing from the north will have a barb straight up above the point; a wind blowing from the west will have a barb off to the left). Full and half flags extending from the barbs indicate the wind speed, with each half flag representing approximately 2.5 meters per second. A circle in place of a barb indicates a wind speed less than 2.5 meters per second.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/CAB
Seasonal Weather Report
Seasonal Change Since InSight's Landing
This graph illustrates seasonal change in Elysium Planitia since InSight landed. The five datasets on this graph give a full picture of what it might be like to spend a year near the equator on Mars.
- The Earth months run along the top of the graph.
- The number of days (or sols, on Mars) runs along the bottom of the graph with the most recent day at the right
- The vertical columns of color denote the seasons on Mars
Pressure: The black line shows the daily average atmospheric pressure in Pascals at the InSight site, along with each sol's maximum and minimum pressure on the grey bar.
Wind Speed: The black line shows the daily average wind speed in meters per second at the InSight site. The grey bars show each sol's maximum and the 90th percentile lowest winds as measured by the wind sensors.
Wind Direction: The black dots show the daily average wind direction depicted in degrees east of north, as if reading a compass. East is at 90 degrees, South at 180 degrees, west at 270 and north is 360.
Atmospheric Opacity (or tau): This is a measurement of how much sunlight is blocked by dust in the atmosphere before it reaches the ground. The green triangles are measurements (with gray shaded error bars) of tau taken by the Instrument Deployment Camera (IDC) on the robotic arm. Blue triangles are measurements made with the Instrument Context Camera (ICC), mounted below InSight's top deck.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/CAB